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Easy Ways To Compile Decompiled With One Click Dc And Rc

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

ABOUT ZENFONE - Easy Ways To Compile Decompiled With One Click Dc And Rc,Hi buddy ? in this blog post will be sharing an easy tutorial amatnewbe decomplite and recomplite apk is just a click away. he did not elaborate.

Terms and Conditions
  • there must be a pc / laptop.
  • Crude apk.
  • The latest version of Java installed.
  • toolnya download here Disini.
  • a cup of coffee. hehehe: v
step by step =>
  • create folders in advance and tarul and toolnya apk files in one folder.
  • download and extract toolnya.
  • open the portal application.
  • pilib tab Dc & Rc.
  • select the apk file would you dismantle here I use the example systemui.apk.
  • then click decomplite.

  •   decomplite process wait until it says succes.
  • decomplite folder located outside the portal folder.
  • after you seesai edit. now step recomplite & sign apk
  • click the folder path> navigate to the folder before you decomplite
  • .

  • after that click complite & sign point to raw apk file that you decomplite earlier.
  • Last wait recomplite apk process to completion while drinking coffee ...
  • recomplite file located outside the portal folder apk file is now ready for you to install on your hh survived.
so many of my tutor. I hope this post bermaanfaat.
thank you for visiting.

Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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