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How To Mod Apk Special File Deodex Rom

ABOUT ZENFONE - How To Mod Apk Special File Deodex Rom
The following article was written by:,
By Znal Arif

apktool install the run on android

(Nah to this cri in google aj kok klo ga in this grub docx jg udh there kayany ,,
Here ane cm explain how to pakenya aj)
stlah instalcopy file-res.apkdan framework apk file yg mw in mod cthny systemui.apk to a folder

The first framework-res click dlu trus
click import as framework >>> ntr br ap yg mn click decompile ,,

select decompile allrecomended create rom which deodex klo udh udh edited click recompile tggu trus klo udh process should be completed in signin.apkny
crny open mouth original apk file then extract isiny Rotex pk ,,

copy the meta-inf folder and androidmanifest
etrak trus yg udh apk file and then copy the file edited ,,, meta-inf and androidmanifest td hydrofoil apk folder that udh jd edited ,, then pack zip pk Rotex also ..

ntr klo udh pd slesai click goto files that appear in Rotex notif ,,
BKL ntr appears nah yg mw apk file we enter into the system ,,
Blom bs tp was in use then rename the zip file ny jd td apk ...

inc then rename jd finished SyetemUI.apk ,, then inject into the system do not forget to set permissions too happy moding .......

nb: jgn use features on the sign in the antecedent apk apk android krn run for suitable ama gg hh kitatested by me

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